During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " SVZEB RH GSV SVZW GSZG DVZIH GSV UVA" Once decoded, it reads " HEAVY IS THE HEAD THAT WEARS THE FEZ.". During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " YILFTSG GL BLF YB SLNVDLIP: GSV XZMWB" Once decoded, it reads " BROUGHT TO YOU BY HOMEWORK: THE CANDY.". During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " GSV RMERHRYOV DRAZIW RH DZGXSRMT" Once decoded, it reads " THE INVISIBLE WIZARD IS WATCHING.". quote: "Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!" During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " HLIIB WRKKVI, YFG BLFI DVMWB RH RM ZMLGSVI XZHGOV" Once decoded, it reads " SORRY DIPPER, BUT YOUR WENDY IS IN ANOTHER CASTLE." Which is a reference to the infamous Super Mario Bros. DVOOH ZKKILEVW" Once decoded, it reads " NOT H.G. During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " MLG S.T. PLURIBUS TREMBLEY." Which is Latin for, "Out of many, Trembley." KOFIRYFH GIVNYOVB." Once decoded, it reads " E. During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " V. During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " KZKVI QZN WRKKVI HZBH: "ZFFTSDCJSTZWHZWHZWFS!"" Once decoded, it reads " PAPER JAM DIPPER SAYS: "AUUGHWXQHGADSADSADUH!".". Once decoded it says, "BILL IS WATCHING".Ītbash ciphers are decoded by reversing the letter, an example includes that an A turns into a Z. A message is hidden in the pipes of the Mystery Shack that say " ELOO LV ZDWFKLQJ". Stan's mindscape version of the Mystery Shack had " PBVWHUB VKDFN" over the main entrance. Where his tattoo should be is instead " OLHV." Once decoded it says " LIES."
During Stan's fantasy sequence we see his back turned and his bare back. The cryptogram at the bottom of a page in Why Am I Sweaty? says "SXEHUWB LV WKH JUHDWHVW PBVWHUB RI DOO DOVR: JR RXWVLGH DQG PDNH IULHQGV" which once decoded says, "PUBERTY IS THE GREATEST MYSTERY OF ALL ALSO: GO OUTSIDE AND MAKE FRIENDS.". DWEDVK ZLOO VXEVWLWXWH." Once decoded, it reads " MR. During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " PU. During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " RQZDUGV DRVKLPD!" Once decoded, it reads " ONWARDS AOSHIMA!". During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " FDUOD, ZKB ZROW BRY FDOO PH?" Once decoded, it reads " CARLA, WHY WONT YOU CALL ME?". During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " KH'V VWLOO LQ WKH YHQWV." Once decoded, it reads " HE'S STILL IN THE VENTS.". During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads: " QHAW ZHHN: UHWXUQ WR EXWW LVODQG." Once decoded, it reads " NEXT WEEK: RETURN TO BUTT ISLAND.".
During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads " ZHOFRPH WR JUDYLWB IDOOV." Once decoded, it reads " WELCOME TO GRAVITY FALLS.". Take all the capitalized letters from the decoded messages together and you get: "MY NAME IS BILL".
but not my first….ġ- wkhuh lv d vhfuhw vrfLhwb lq judylwb idoov…….ġ- there is a secret socIety in gravity falls…….Ģ- wkh kdqgbpdq nqrzV pruh wkdq brx wklqn…….Ģ- the handyman knowS more than you think…….ģ- jlghrq kdv Ehhq vhdufklqj iru vrphwklqj………ģ- gideon has Been searching for something………Ħ- l zloo eh uhwxuqlqj wr judylwb idoOv…………Ħ- i will be returning to gravity falLs…………
There are 12 cryptograms in Rumble's Revenge.īrxu uhdolwb lv d jdph wr ph. During the game, look on Stan's desk to see a cryptogram that reads " HYHU QRWLFHG VWDQV WDWWRR." Once decoded, it reads " EVER NOTICED STANS TATTOO.". During the intro, there is a cryptogram that reads " VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV." Once decoded, it reads " STAN IS NOT WHAT HE SEEMS.". In the case for letters X, Y, and Z you must cycle through to the beginning of the alphabet. The Caesar ciphers used in Gravity Falls substitute the original letter for the third letter before it.